Psalm 91 (The Refuge and the Fortress)

"I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will i trust."

Refuge refers to a safe place. a place of protection. But a fortress is not just a safe place but a place to prepare for attack. You see sometimes, trials may hit us and it will seem we forget that we are on the advantage, we begin to forget what we have with us. it becomes truly tedious and stressful. This is time to depend on him as your refuge and fortress. Time to go within you and prepare yourself not just to be protected but to lead in victory. Many a time, I hear people saying God will protect them from danger. I get angry. This miss out of the point. God was not there to protect us. Jesus did not die so that we would be protected from harm, he sent us into the world where there would be tribulations. he gave us weapons because we are in a warfare. how can civilians needing protection be in war. You are a soldier, you are the protection. The bible says in 2 Cor 2:14 that he always lead us in triumph. This is a victory procession.

So when we are weak or wounded, we get back to the fortress to recuperate and be healed. Then we arrange our strategies for better warfare. for our weapons are not carnal, they are spiritual and they are mighty. if you are wounded then you stepped into the 'snare of the fowler (hunter). The enemy knows we are stronger than they are, we've got more sophisticated weaponry, we are stronger by far, but they have better experience and know the terrain. So when wounded and weakened, we get into the fortress prepared by our commander, where we are safe and we get prepared, we make contact with the headquarters on our failures and we are therefore advised on a better strategy to forge ahead.
"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: In the fortress, there is this force field shield that surrounds the fortress. This is the protection of the Lord. The wings signify flight or speed.

"his truth shall be thy shield and buckler": this scripture correlates with Eph 6: 14-20, "..and above all, taking the shield of faith". Faith is the response of the human spirit to God's word. The Word of God is truth (John 17:17). and from eph 6:14 we see that the buckle is truth. What is this truth? Truth of God's principles, Truth of God's promises, Truth of His ways. Truth is simply the word of God. This will be your shield and buckler. it is your responsibility to keep on holding onto this truth.
the next scriptures of this marvelous chapter are so important.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walket in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. only with thin eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
While wounded or weakened, the enemy will throw all he has on you, terror, arrow, pestilence, destruction, death etc. but because of the force field of the Lord, it shall not come nigh thee. God will send reinforcements to drive them out. You shall be a spectator. What a blessing! There is no danger for the christian. We have the Most High. Remember our warfare is not to conquer, we didnt conquer nothing. The land was conquered and given to us to maintain peace. We are peace keeping forces to root out the rebels oppressing the Kingdom. Thank God for his wisdom
Remember why God is doing this, "because he has set his love on me, i will deliver him..." To activate this blessing in our life is to love him. This is why the bible says, "all things work together for good to them that LOVE him ....".
"... and because he has known my name, i will set him on high." I will like to challenge you, reading this blog, Do you have the accurate and full revelation of the name of Jesus. Do you understand why we call on that name, why we heal in that name, why we pray in the name.
..."Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil 2:9-11).
One day, it was raining and i was under a shelter, and I wanted the rain to stop, I just casually said, "rain stop in the name of Jesus". The Holy Spirit rebuked me sharply, "Don't call that name like it is any other name, call it as your name". i began to understand why we have been given the name of Jesus. It is the code for acting as Jesus. Brothers and sisters, we are not younger brothers to Jesus, we are his clones. He is the first, the maker. we are clones of him. But in order to function like him we use the code of his name. this activates the power and glory of his personality in us and through us. The name of Jesus is superior to anything that exist. The glory of God is in the name. (phil 2:11). This is the power of attorney as some preachers put it. If you have known that name, then God will lift you high. He will exalt you, because you have trusted in him. this is the secret place. It comes with an epignosis (Full and total knowledge that you relate with).
Glory to God Almighty!!!


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