Truth about Prosperity pt 3

We have already discussed the introduction of prosperity and have seen God's mindset concerning prosperity. It is his will that all men prospers. Earlier, we have discussed prosperity in the patriachs, Abraham and Isaac. Today, we are going to see how this Abrahamaic blessings in Jacob, Joseph and more importantly us.
Jacob left his parents' house due to fear of his brother. Something to note about inheritance among the patriach. Their inheritance was gotten through the blessing. It was a spiritual matter. Now, Esau who was the elder stupidly/foolishly gave up his inheritance as the first son to Jacob for porridge (Gen 25:29-34). It is funny how spiritual things are seemingly useless to carnal people. Looking at the life of Esau, he was far too carnal. One of the characteristics of carnal men is their crave and weakness for appetite. He was wasteful, he loved to feast, he never saved. He had no plan for the future and he had a weakness for women. Now note these important points, cos no man having these issues can ever prosper.
  • Wastefullness
  • Unnecessary extravagant
  • Never saves
  • Has no plans and doesnt bother making any
  • Huge apetite for women and sex.
No man can have these qualities and prosper, even if he was heavily anointed. God never wastes his resources on failure. As i have stated in the other posts, your prosperity is not a function of your anointing/blessing, but a function of your management of the resources you have been given through discipline.
Now, a lot of people has made comments as to why God prefered Jacob to Esau even before they were born. Firstly, God did not prefer Jacob to Esau before their birth. He foreknew what will happen. Foreknowledge is not predestination. This error has led many on their total divergence from the truth unto a path of atheism and unbelief.
Jacob left his father's house armed with just a staff (Gen 28:1-4; 32:10) and his father's blessings which was the blessings of Abraham, but he returned with far more wealth than could be imagined. There is something about the grace of God on an individual, even if he is in a desert, he will turn that desert into a garden resort. This was Isaac's secret when he dug wells. Something about him always dug up water when others are digging up earth. Its just a Psalm 1:3 scenario. "Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper".
Joseph, Jacob's eleventh son, was his favorite. I will like to say this and emphatically, love attracts the blessing. There is greater connection to the grace with love. Due to envy for this wonderful son whose dreams were becoming too great for his family. Dreams and visions always come to the blessed ones. Nevertheless, for the blessed ones, children of promise, there can be no disadvantage. Every sideback, attack every obstacle is meant to take you to your destiny of success. It is just like i have earlier said, there are no curses for the blessed ones. Every attempt to do him ill only favored him. It took a while, but it always suceeds. You see, your God given prosperity always come with a gift or gifts. How you trade with it depends on you. But you need to realize this gift and develop it. When God gives you a seed, he expects a forest. He says, "count your blessings and name them one by one". This is to say, "identify your blessings and recognize them".
Joseph did not interprete Pharoah's dream, he provided solution to the problem. One might say, God gave Joseph the dream, but God did not give him the solution directly, he had trained himself and developed his gift from not just dreaming to interpreting and lastly to providing solutions to the dreams. You might be reading this and you are full of visions, now is time to strategize, because visions without strategy leads to failure. It got to the time that all the money, lands and cattle in that region were in one man's account. (Gen 47:14-20). This is what prosperity does in a man's life. Prosperity is all about wisdom to make wealth. Find a problem, solve it and the nations will come to your light, Kings to the brightness of your rising. This is not a result of your bold confessions. Your confessions should lead to awareness. Awareness should raise your consciousness, which activates your actions. 
Jesus came to restore this blessings of Abraham. Gal 3:29 says, And now that we are Christ's we are true descendants of Abraham, and all of God's promises to him belong to us. (TLB). Many preachers can preach this verse and tell us to relax and confess that we have the blessings of Abraham. But I like what James said, "Fool (vain man)! When will you ever learn that believing is useless without doing what God wants you to? Faith that does not result in good deeds (work) is not real faith. (Jam 2:20). Faith is proved by good works(v 17). It is interesting how God gives Solomon wisdom, and he used this wisdom to generate wealth so great that it was said, "Solomon made gold and silver as common as stones in Israel".
Faith is comprised of three things:
  • Believe
  • Speak (confessions)
  • Action
If you have not begun in your actions, gear up now. It is time to take the world by a storm.


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