Should Christians kill in self defense?
This is of course a response to so many insinuations by so many Christians in response to the multiple terrorist attacks by fundamental muslims which has resulted in the burning of churches, looting of properties owned by Christians and of course the loss of lives of Christians in the world. But for Nigeria here, our main focus is the illicit killing of Christians in the North.
Now sometimes, Christians have retaliated by attacking and killing muslims in the same gruesome manner. Like in Kaduna state, Christians, some years ago, blocked the roads and killed muslims passing through, stocking their bodies in a huge heap. This has sadly not received huge criticism from the Christian bodies and it’s an aberration to everything Christianity stands for. Maybe we should go down the history lane, might be it will give us a clue of what the world will be like or especially the Church if we go function like this.
When Islam started, it started with Prophet Mohammed, a unique man known for his silent meditation and prayers off the plains. He suddenly as history says, had a revelation which comprised of an angel appearing to him to tell him the words of Allah. Now his home town, Quaresh was full of various religions. There were Christians, Jews and of course Arabic pagans. When Mohammed began his preaching and quoting the revelational words of the Angel who was endorsed by a Catholic Priest in the land, he received persecution since he was a minority. Quaresh is a town in Mecca, and soon enough the Pagans became aggressive to him and his few followers, so he escaped for his life and migrated to a neighboring city called Medina. In Medina he gathered a huge following as the people seemed more receptive of his message. Then he took his followers to fight back the oppression of the Meccaites. This is the origin of Jihad. Jihad, which is a ‘holy war’ is a result of an interpretation of Self-defense. Jihad in itself is an act of self-defense at least it originated from there. In Jihad, when you are oppressed, you migrate to safety and then gather up forces for an attack. Of course, one can look at it as a revenge and not just self-defense but it originated from a self-defense mindset. Soon enough it migrated from just self-defense and became a jointed effort to Islamize the world. Of course you know the bloodshed that occurred in the name of God soon afterwards.
Now, it wasn’t just this. In the Quran, it is actually a sin to kill or attack any Christian. When I mentioned that Jihad came as a result of self-defense. The oppressors where the Arab pagans and shortly afterwards the Catholic Crusaders. Since that day, Christianity and Islam had been in tug of war for dominance. The Arabs gained power and strength and even occupied Israel abandoned by the Romans after its last sacking. The Crusaders committed great atrocities in their battles against Islam, killing many muslims including children, women etc in their battle against Islam. Both killed and maimed in the name of God. One of the worst of those battles was the battle to take back Jerusalem.
Well, this isn’t a history lesson, so I will go back to the point. Islam’s introduction to violent approach of evangelism was a result of this same self-defense in order to retain relevance. To say the truth, this was Christianity’s method in its spread from Europe to Africa and various other areas. When Roman converted, all of its colonies were forced to convert especially Europe. Now when Europe colonized Africa, the same was employed though not in its brutality yet neither void of it. This is the problem of religion. Religion relies on intimidation, judgment, politics and war to thrive. True Christianity relies on persecution, love, miracles and God’s glory to thrive.
So from our brief history lessons, we learn something, Islam began its violence through self-defense against oppressors in order to survive but then it morphed to a tool of promoting its religion. Christianity itself being oppressed massively also became the oppressor. For religion, its only a matter of time before the oppressed becomes the oppressor. Now let’s get back to the bible. What does the word of God say about these things? This post is targeted to Christians and not to any other religion. So our focus and our point of reference is the Bible.
When I hear Christians try to defend their right to defend themselves and to fight in self-defense, they usually quote the following scriptures:
Matt 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Now of course this scripture is thought to mean that the Kingdom of God is violently been persecuted and violent men are taking back this Kingdom for God. This is quite erroneous. Some other translations could help understanding this scripture.
Matt 11:12
And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attacking it.*
There it is in simple words. No further explanation required. Here is another often quoted, to say that Jesus okays killing in self-defense.
Luke 22:36
Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.
There is another quote completely out of context to support demonic stances. But read the next verse to understand the meaning of his words.
Luke 22:37
For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: 'And He was numbered with the transgressors.'* For the things concerning Me have an end."
He was saying this to fulfil prophecy that he was numbered with the transgressors. Noticed he called them transgressors. If it was for self-defense, why were they called transgressor? He was speaking in fulfilment to the symbolism of the prophecies. Now when the ‘self-defense’ occurred, listen to the Master’s admonition:
Matt 26:50-54
But Jesus said to him, "Friend, why have you come?"
Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and took Him. 51 And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
52 But Jesus said to him, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish* by the sword. 53 Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? 54 How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen thus?"
Surely, those angling for self-defense are deliberately ignoring Jesus’ caution here. And he expresses declared that his preferred weapon for liberation or self-defense is the spiritual weapon. He had angels to battle for him and not woods or guns, not swords nor bombs. He had angels to battle. I truly do not understand Christians sometimes. How can we say we believe in God and have access to heaven and yet we doubt the ferocity of angels? How can we place our faith in weapons and not in the power of the Lord? How can we claim divine protection and yet seek to defend ourselves. We make God a liar. Or is the divine protection only against witches and cultists? Are angels only meant to strike our invisible enemies down? Are they meant to get us money? When Christians try to advocate for self defense, I just know that the revelation of who they are in Christ is very vague. They don’t know who they are. If Jesus was to use self-defense, he weighed in on the angels and not use of swords. Yet we claim to be his followers. Which of the Apostles fought back and killed their opponents. Remember Apostle Paul? He fought and killed many before. He was no stranger to fighting, yet when persecuted, he never retaliated. He kept speaking the word of God. I believe we have not understood what Christianity is. I will unleash great revelation on this matter and in our next post, I will bring out from the scriptures the teachings of Jesus in relation to this matter. I pray you will read with a clear mind and an open spirit to be obedient to God’s word.
God bless you.
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